Interdisciplinary: We integrate strategies from the disciplines of Psychology, Anthropology, Documentary Filmmaking, Linguistics, Education, and others that are specific to the project.
Research Based: Our approach is evidence based whenever possible leading to the expanding of best practices wherever needed.
Video and New Media: In the service of Community Education, we use the energy and power of media to craft participatory strategies that give voice to all, raising awareness as a path to learning and new activity.
Innovation: We are creative and not risk aversive.
Collaborative: We embrace collaborations across disciplines and social and economic classes, and cultures, and help create the conditions to make this possible.
Diverse Experiential Base: From the streets of Harlem to Wall Street, North and West Africa, the Caribbean, Rural New England, the Mexican Highlands, whether indigenous, professional, or ordinary person on the street; we invite, engage and give back in a spirit of affirmation and possibility.
Community Driven: A group or community needs to become publicly aware and able to define their problem in their own terms before progress can be made. Solutions often already exist within the community, and much of what we do is use media and education to facilitate a process and resources that lead to new awareness and action.
Speaking Place creates and manages projects through collaborations with other institutions and organizations. These interdisciplinary collaborations allow us to bring together personnel and resources to address problems that are beyond the capacity of any single organization or discipline. Here are some of our collaborators and the types of projects we work on together:
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada – online software development
California State University, Los Angeles – community video training in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico
Municipal Authorities of 15 indigenous communities in the State of Oaxaca – language documentation and revitalization
University of Maine, Augusta – French immersion language training, Curriculum Development
University of Maine, Orono – French-American Portal development
Indiana University, Bloomington – Mixe Self-Documentation and Language Portal
Northeast Historic Film Archive, Bucksport, Maine – Passamaquoddy Archive and project management
CIDLeS –The Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation, Minde, Portugal – Portuguese-American language Portal and documentation methods training for European minority and endangered languages
Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO), Oaxaca, Mexico – Community documentation methods training
Municipality of Totontepec, Oaxaca, Mexico – Community self-documentation and Language Portal
Passamaquoddy Communities of Pleasant Point and Indian Township, Maine – Language documentation, revival, and Language Portal
Penobscot Language School, Rockland, Maine – French immersion language training
Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership, Portland, Maine – Disparities training for health professionals
University of California, Davis – Mixe language documentation data for plant genetics research
Bay Area Video Coalition (BVAC), San Francisco, California – Digitization and preservation of early video documenting the development of video feedback from the 1970’s
Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (INALI), Mexico City, Mexico – Documenting endangered languages of Oaxaca, Mexico
We receive support from: